A Designers Rant - The Underdog Story

Look around you, what do you see?
A TV screen? A Computer? A Book?
I see design. Years of it. Everywhere...
So why isn't the work of designers recognised, and why can't we designers ever be seen as "Future Leaders"!?

The Nike logo didn't appear out of thin air. It was designed. The design was then bought. Now the simple tick, created by a young designer, is recognised globally, yet the designer himself is not ??

I'm tired of my expertise, my passion, my job, going unrecognised.

Is it because I don't want to work in a bank counting other peoples money, that I can't be recognised - even though the bank's logo was created by me, their website designed by me, the app on your iPhone/iPad/Android designed by me, their Image designed by Me!?
Is it because I don't want to sit in a room full of politicians, deciding the fate of the world we live in - even though the designs I create will decide the fate, and shape, how the future is seen!?

I decide the make or break of your product and your business. I decide how your message will get across, I decide how your message will be seen. You come to me with words, I decide how those words will transform into shapes, transform into images, transform into art.. Transform into something the public will look at, will remember, and will then return to you, giving you praise, while I sit back and lean, thinking.. I caused that.
We caused that.
You wouldn't know the difference from a £5 note to a £50 if it weren't for the design...
If it weren't for the designer...
If it weren't for Us... The passionate artists, the passionate designers who continue to go unnoticed.

Look around you, what do you see?
A TV screen? A Computer? A Book?
I see the small logo telling you the brand of that TV. I see the clear type used for that keyboard attached to your Computer. I see the colour, the type, the imagery, clothing that book.
I see design. Years of it. Everywhere.

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