About the Author

I love how I have a picture that explains me perfectly. LOL.

Hiyaa *waves*. My name is Temitayo (also known as Tayo) and I'm 22!

I've just graduated from university *cue sound of kids saying yaay*, having studied Visual Communication (Graphic design in simpler terms). Its an art I've had a passion for ever since I was in year 7. I've been an artist since a smalll age - I loved drawing on the walls, my mum didn't.

It was literally 2/3 in the morning when the idea of blogging came to me (2012). I was someone who grew up in a church, claiming to be a Christian, but only prayed when I wanted something, and only opened my Bible on
Sundays. This changed for good when I was 18. God showed me and continuously shows me that what I thought about life, and what I think about Him, is not the case at all. I felt that instead of me keeping all that I'm being taught/shown, to myself, why not share it publicly in order to help someone else. If I'm gonna grow, I would like to see others growing with me !

This is a personal blog, and I'm quite open, so expect personal things.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Debate with me. Enlighten me. Share with me. Even pray for me!
The act will be reciprocated!

As always, be.. stay.. remain.. encouraged ! xx