Unlikely Blessings

Heya Guys/Girls, just wanted to share something I found interesting from reading Esther 6.

God can use the most unlikely person you know to bless you ! He can use the rudest, the most ignorant, the most egoistic, the most cocky, the most of anything bad you can think of, to bless you !

In Esther chapter 6 (Won't be getting into the story leading up to this moment), Hamman was in the Kings Courts waiting to present his idea of hanging Mordecai (a man who has done no wrong but stand up to Hamman) outside the Kings gates for all to see.
The King did not know of Mordecai until that evening when going through "The Chronicles" and finding out about the good act that Mordecai had done. Now the King wanted to honour and glorify Mordecai for what he had done, so he calls Hamman and asks him what should be done to the man that the king greatly honours. Now the king was being conspicuous, not revealing who he wanted to honour and why. Hamman being big headed, thought in his heart that there was nobody who the king honoured greater than him, so suggested that the king adorn this "honourable man" with one of his robes and set him on a horse which the king has ridden, and parade this "honourable man" around town. Bare in mind that Hamman was set on suggesting Mordecai's death on that day...
The king agrees with Hammans suggestion of the glorifying way to honour this "honourable man" and proclaims that Mordecai should be given a royal robe and paraded around town.. much to Hammans dismay (Hamman thought he would get the goodies.. shame on him and his ego!)

Point of the story.. Mordecai would have died that day if it wasn't for Hammans ego, cockiness and pride, YET Mordecai ended up being blessed greatly that day because of Hammans ego, cockiness and pride! (Amongst other things of course, i.e. his honourable act).

God can use anyone's personalities, skills, mindset, attitude etc, to bless you ! Just keep showing love no matter how difficult it gets, keep walking in faith no matter how difficult it gets, keep praying no matter how difficult it gets, and who knows, God could use your enemy to bless you and even do the unexpected for you !

Be encouraged! xxx

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