So the BET awards was just last week Tuesday (was shown in London a few days late). I'm yet to watch it, and probably won't due to all the tweets and Instagram posts I saw.
The most prominent thing I heard about, was Meagan Goods Outfit.
So I decided to do a lil investigating, and when I saw the outfit, I was shocked. Not only did I find her outfit shocking, I found the comments people, most especially males, made about it even more shocking.
I personally didn't like her outfit, and not for the reasons you think why ! (If it was red, I may have liked it more).

But wait, I'm not finished yet. Something hit me. How many outfits have YOU worn that could have caused someone to sin ? That could have caused a male or female to lust ?? It is your OWN conviction that will change your choice of direction. It is your OWN conviction that will stop you from doing what you feel ain't right.
I've worn dresses that have revealed my upper back, and have felt no conviction what so ever, yet a male could lust over that small patch of skin he sees. I've worn sleeveless and off the shoulder tops - That's not a big thing I hear you say ? - It could still lead a man to lust. We are all different people, and have all been through different things - What could affect you, could affect someone else in no shape or form whatsoever.
If Meagan was not convicted by her choice of outfit, who are we to talk ? Who am I to talk ? Ms Good said it herself -
I don't feel convicted about this at all... I'm not any less holy because the dress I wore -I may not be who people think I should be -but I'm morphing into exactly who God wants me to be... I know I have a responsibility -and I'm working daily to fulfill the full potential of all God has created me to be... My heart and spirit is always open to whatever my Father would want to share with me, and my spirit tells me to be exactly who I authentically am -because that's what's going to reach who I was authentically designed to touch.. people like me who are often misunderstood and told they're cut off God's promise -because they don't look the role... I merely picked a dress I saw and loved.. God knows my heart and that I didn't do anything wrong, and he will use even people's thoughts to bring him glory.
We need to keep our eyes off what everyone else is doing wrong and focus on what WE are doing wrong. Before I "thow a stone" let me check myself.
Yes, what we do could affect our brother/sister and make he/she sin, but we need to check ourselves first, make sure we are clean before we can help/deal with another.
Dressing is a big issue.. far bigger issue beyond my knowledge. I feel as ones spirituality and relationship with God develops and grows, ones way of thinking will change, and so will there ways of dressing.
God is with us and speaks to us all the time ! When you wanna wear that skirt, and something is making you doubt, something is making you question.. something just doesn't feel right.. Girlllll you better drop that skirt and go find jeans !
*Whew* This was a long post, but I hope y'all understand the message.
Don't run from conviction.. don't block your ears from it, it's your helper, your teacher, your calcium to grow your bones, your water to hydrate your body.. You get the point !
Toodles x
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