She Thought She Knew.. Again? (2)

[If you haven't read part 1 - Click here]

Listening and following God is the best decision you can make.
After a year of doing a course I didn't want to do, re-applying to uni's via UCAS, and attending interviews, 4/5 of the uni's I applied to gave me an offer. And as God willed it, the 1st Uni to decline me in 2011, was the first to accept me in 2012.

The past 3 years have been unexplainable. The best three years of my life, so far (;D). I have grown as a designer, as a woman, and as a Christian. I have met amazing like minded friends, who have given me endless jokes, and I have had the blessing of studying at a notable uni.

So why did "she" think she knew.. again? That doesn't sound grammatically right to me.. but you get the picture. God has shown me again, that my ways are not His ways, and my thoughts. .

Though the best years, they have also been the hardest.
Semester one of final year, I was given an overall 2:1 - The second 2:1 I had received since being at Uni. Since my 2nd year I had been praying - praying that I would graduate with a 2:1 minimum, and since starting my final year, I included another prayer point - that my parents would be proud of me, and that I wouldn't let them down. Towards the end of final year, I added another - I wouldn't be embarrassed in-front of my peers - that I could show them that I did have potential, if any of them never saw it.
I wouldn't say I put my all into the final semester, but I put about 75-85%. My presentation skills of my coursework was on fleek, lol, I was so happy with my final pieces - I finally set up my online portfolio and branded myself. I applied for a job I reaaallllyyy wanted - I had even started day dreaming about myself working there, earning that prestige graduate pay. I thought my application was fantabulous, I really felt that it was for me - and oh, did it appear in my prayers.

Two weeks ago, I was rejected by the company (didn't make it to the interviews stage, let alone assessment centre) and on the same week I received my final results, which included the grade I would be graduating with.
A 2:2.

That day, I cried. The next day, I broke down.
I thought my prayers didn't work.
I thought that God wasn't listening.
I thought he didn't care.
- Thoughts I most probably had on my last night in Coventry, 2011.

I see where I went wrong. I felt I knew what was right for me. I made the degree mine and not God's. I was going to catwalk across that stage revelling in my glory and not Gods. I thought the job was for me - the money was so appetising - it had to be for me (in my mind). Again, I thought I knew.

What I have taken from this journey of mine, is that God's will stands firm. Everything is HIS and not ours. Your degree, is His. Your money, is His. Your belongings, are His. Our lives, are His.

My relationship with God is not perfect, I don't think it'll ever be 'perfect', but I have learnt that if/when I walk securely with God, disappointments won't be permanent, and the outcome will always, always, be the BEST - I have three years worth of proof!

The 'worst' may come, you may hit rock bottom and even discover a depth lower than that, but hold on to that Abraham like faith! Remember God's promises found in the Word, and not the lies of the devil! As my favourite verse says:

I know the thoughts [plans] that I think [have] towards you, says the Lord.
Thoughts of peace and not of evil - to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

As always my loves, be encouraged!

P.s. Friday 17th July 2015, I graduated with a BA(Hons) in Graphic Communication. Yes, my parents were proud..

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