She Struggles Too. .

I am a hypocrite.

What a way to begin a post, but hear me out.

It's always confounded me how Christian's I follow on social media (Twitter, Instagram), always seem to have it so good. They don't seem to struggle, they don't seem to have any problems, like, what is this secret formula they have, to be living that perfect Christian life? Is there a certain prayer I must pray? A certain hour I must seek God? I mean, what is the deal?

Besides God, only 3 people, this week knew I had been struggling.

I struggle, I've struggled with money. Ever since I was in Primary School, seriously. I've been at a loss sooo many times and it's God who has picked me up from the mud, every, single, time.

Many times I've had to kick my pride aside and ask for help. I have to tell someone my struggle, and that somehow seems to be the perfect person to help me out of it - God's work I truly believe (not everyone is so compassionate and giving. . mood swings are real). No helper would know what I was struggling with, if I didn't just open my mouth, be transparent, and say.

I have been a hypocrite. I have been that 'Christian' who shows highlight reels of their lives (I hardly share a sad moment on social media), I have been that 'Christian' filled with pride, I have been that 'Christian' who seems to never struggle.
(I put marks next to Christian, because is that really what a Christian should do? What/who is even a Christian? What does this term even mean? -  thats a whole other topic/debate)

If I want God to use me, if I want him to be glorified, if I want to walk in love, I need to stop being a hypocrite. Hold me accountable will you?

What I want you to take from this is that, a relationship with God is not full of sunshine and rainbows - no relationship is TBH (you remember those arguments with your bestie. . don't lie!), God can use anyone to help you, but in order for that help to come, you need to be open about what you're going through. . you're struggle(s) can also be an inspiration for someone else to get to know this God that keeps saving you every single time. Pride is what keeps us from seeking help or even small small advice, pride is what blocks us from receiving gifts God want's to give us. Never be afraid to ask for help! Christ taught us an important lesson, and that is, giving is far better than receiving (His whole life was full of giving).

I'm not saying it's mandatory to always reveal your secrets, struggles, etc. . from my experiences with my struggle, there wasn't any harm - after prayer of course!
If you need help, heres a start, talk to me, i'll try my best to help, and I wont judge - I know how it is to struggle in silence, and you don't have to !

As always,
Be encouraged <3

- ALWAYS seek God first !! He has the best answers, and can provide you with direction.
- This doesn't mean that you should tell everybody your business, be discerning!
- Love is free to give ! In any way you can - don't withhold it!
- I know I haven't written a post since December - Final year of Uni has been a tad hectic (Dissertations, coursework... I wrote this post past 3am !), pray for me lovelies xx

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