Wired to a Drip?. . Give Thanks.

Thursday morning. 3am.

I had just finished watching a movie on my laptop (my sleep pattern is really off), and was preparing myself for bed. Standing up from my desk seat, I started feeling pain in my stomach. Now I get the odd pain there now and again, but nothing like this - the pain was very random and was no way an affect of the meal I had 6 hours ago.
I decided to lay down, thinking that I would combat the pain, but nope, it felt all the same. Went to the toilet, nope, nothing, and the pain still persisted.
What do you do when you're in pain? You reach for the paracetamol. .the ibuprofen.. the painkiller.. right?

So lucky, well not so lucky, for me, I had a packet of Nurofen in my possession. To cut the long story short, I ended up on the kitchen floor, screaming and crying in pain. It felt like I was on the floor for the longest time, till my mum found me. I had 0 strength to lift myself up - the pain was too intense. Something I have never experienced. To cut the long story short again, I ended up on the living room sofa, with a paramedic telling me to breathe in gas from an object that looked like a snorkle. It made me sleepy, it made me dizzy, it made me pass out (Just for like five seconds).

15mins later, I ended up at the emergency unit of a hospital, wrecked, on a bed with my Mother beside me (Thank God for Mothers aye!!).

Now I'm always someone, who thinks the worst when it comes to their health. Google is not your friend when it comes to checking your symptoms, yet its always something I would rely on to diagnose me.

Being in a hospital is not an ideal situation.

I always think of the worst when it isn't the worst. And from now on, I will stop.
Because things could have been worse; I could have had to be operated on, and there's the question - would I have survived? Would I have woken up whilst they were operating? Would I have encountered more problems?..

You see, I thank God, because my situation could have been a-lot worse, yet it wasn't. I thank God that what affected me was truly not an emergency. I thank God that after numerous tests, I. Am. Fine.
Whether or not science proves I'm fine, I will proclaim it, I will pray towards it .. because it is not my wish to be in a hospital again, if it doesn't involve the birth of babies! It was an experience I never want to go through again.

Give thanks for your life! Things could be much worse. There is someone out there who has been or is going through worse things than you are - the same could be said for that person - and to that person for another person - and to that person for another person - and so on, and so on.. you get the picture. It continues in its subjectivity..
Give thanks regardless!

As always,
Be encouraged xx

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